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Loved this demo! Very cute art, fun puzzles, and interesting premise. I particularly enjoyed how you talk to your partner in every new location and how the conversation varies depending on who is the lead. Thank you so much for sharing and best of luck to you in finishing the game; I’ll be excited to play it when it’s released! :D


Omg thank you!! I'm really glad you enjoyed the demo. Thank you for taking the time to check for the two leads' silly conversations throughout the place :D

Extremely cute! I adore the premise of two "enemies" having to escape together, and the two main characters are both entertaining and have fun dialogue between them. I am expecting these two to sass each other relentlessly in the full version, and am so ready for it! They are also both super cute, I did enjoy the art and character designs a lot.

The gameplay has promise, some light puzzle solving and wandering around. You can swap between your two party members and also randomly chat with them, which was fun. I was confused by one of the early puzzles (you have to go back into your cell at one point, which I was not expecting) but they were not terribly difficult overall. Menus and UI worked smoothly, no issues there.

I really enjoyed the demo, and am looking forward to the full version! (whenever it is released, as is the way of these things. <3) It is a short snippet for what looks to be a fun little adventure, especially if you enjoy enemies teaming up and sassing each other. Congratulations Afilitaria and Rainecourt for completing the jam, and thank you for sharing such a fun little game!

Thank you very much for the detailed comment, I'm glad that you enjoyed the game so far! These two were really fun to write and I hope to keep that sass between them fairly consistent throughout their dynamic :D

The current puzzles are meant to serve as a tutorial for basic mechanics, I hope the full game won't disappoint with the puzzles that are planned - the intention was to have the chat function serve as a possible hints section but it wasn't quite conveyed since there was only one area after getting the second party member, hahah.

I'll be sure to work on improving and polishing the game for the final release!